Professor at the Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development at Tufts University, with a secondary appointment in the Computer Science Department. She heads the interdisciplinary DevTech research group. Her research involves the design and study of innovative learning technologies to promote young children’s positive development. She is a pioneer in the field of early childhood technology with projects of national and international visibility. Dr Bers is the co-creator of the free ScratchJr programming language, used by over 30 million children all over the world, and the creator of the KIBO robotic kit, which helps children learn how to code without screens or keyboards, using wooden blocks. She is author of five books on the topic of education, new technologies and children. Her newest book “Beyond Coding: How Children Learn Human Values through Programming” is to be published in Spring 2022 by The MIT Press.

Assistant Professor at the Education University of Hong Kong. He specialises in early childhood curriculum and pedagogy with interests in STEAM education (coding/computer programming, robotics, makerspace, virtual worlds, etc.), positive education, and professional learning. He is currently the Associate Editor of the Journal of Research in Childhood Education, a Steering Group member of the British Curriculum Forum (BCF), and the Convenor of the Curriculum, Assessment and Pedagogy (CAP) SIG at British Educational Research Association (BERA).

Full Professor at Universidad Sevilla, Doctora el Pedagogía. Teaches Information and Communication Technology applied to Child Education in the Faculty of Sciences of Education. Member of the Commission and Subcommission of 'Planes de Estudio del Grado de Infantil. Members of the Grupos de Investigación Didáctica GID (HUm-390) and the Grupo de Tecnología Educativa. Founder and President of CITEI Congreso Internacional de Innovación y Tecnología Educativa en Educación Infantil since 2016. Educational Advisor of FUTUREKIDS (1995-2004). He has held conferences in different Spanish, European and Latin American Universities, as well as Masters, courses and Doctorates related to Educational Technology and Teacher Training. He participated in more than 82 investigations and contributed with more than one hundred works related to the topic and with more than 70 articles in national and international journals.

Professora e pesquisadora da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco (UFRPE). Possui graduação em Licenciatura em Computação pela Universidade de Pernambuco (UPE), Mestrado e Doutorado em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE). Colaborou com a criação da Rede da Licenciatura em Computação (ReLic) no Brasil, e suas pesquisas estão concentradas na formação de professores, como também em métodos e materiais para o ensino de Computação na educação básica.

Researcher at the Chair of Computer Science Education of the Technical University of Munich since 2016. Her work initially encompassed the development and implementation of new CS course concepts for primary and lower secondary school. Since 2018, she has been leading the research project "AlgoKids – Algorithms for Kids” in which primary teachers from all over Bavaria are trained in algorithmics and programming and accompanied in their first attempts at teaching. Her academic background further includes computer science and media in education. She is also a trained primary school teacher.